Difference Between Premium Petrol and Normal Petrol

For higher performance, one may prefer premium petrol vs normal petrol.

People while purchasing a car prefer ‘mileage’ as the only most crucial factor when choosing a new car. This is common if the fast increase in prices of fuel is what matters the most to the person.

Hence, it is also important to note that there are various fuel-efficient cars in India. It is true that carmakers are designing cars with the latest technology.

The engines are turning efficiently. The makers focus on developing a much-improved car daily with high mileage. But, a question that people have in mind is as to which petrol they should prefer- the normal one or the premium? To know the major differences and select the right option, below you can check out the Normal vs. Premium petrol comparison.

However, before going ahead, it is better to look at the technical aspect. Petrol consists of paraffin, naphthenes, and olefins.

These develop from the catalytic cracker. This process results in crude oil breaking down into tiny molecules. They become catalysts after vaporization.

In the end, from the crude oil, the extraction of petrol happens. There are various activities which are applied for improving the quality of the petrol and so that no carbon deposits are left behind.

What Is Premium Petrol

Premium Petrol is a fuel with a higher octane number than normal petrol. It also has activities and detergents to keep the engine free from carbon deposits and sludge formation. Generally, its number stands have 91 or higher.

The number used to measure the ignition quality of fuel. Extra Premium petrol rejuvenates old vehicles to perform better.

Therefore, it is suitable for high-performance cars with high compression ratio engines.

What Is Normal Petrol

Normal Petrol is that with a lower octane number than premium petrol. Its number stands have 87.

In India, normal petrol needs to have a minimum octane number of 91. Normal petrol does not comprise any additives. It is a type of petrol that is ideal for low-compression engines. Therefore, it is not suitable for high-performance cars with higher compression rates as it may cause knocking.

Normal Petrol and Premium Petrol

The octane number is the most important difference between Normal and Premium petrol. Normal petrol has an octane rating of 87, while premium petrol has a rating of 91 or higher.

An octane number is useful in finding out the ignition quality of petrol. The ‘cetane number’ is used to evaluate this in diesel. The engine will be used less if the octane number is high than the petrol.

Also along with this, there is a difference in the price of normal vs premium fuel. Normal fuel is less expensive compared to premium one and the price gap is huge.

Various firms in India that are into oil manufacturing and distribution promote premium petrol such as IOCL, HPCL, and BPCL. They share that premium fuel leads to more mileage and improves the life of the engine. The octane rating of premium petrol is between 93-94. On the other hand, regular petrol has an octane value of 87.

There are specific places where one can find petrol with a 97 octane rating. It is utilized in high-performance vehicles.

Premium Petrol Vs. Normal Petrol

Are you confused as to go for which option?
If the car’s owner’s manual specifies regular petrol exclusively, the person should follow it. This is because the car’s engine has been built to perform best with regular gasoline, and the person will be wasting money by paying for something he/she doesn’t need because using higher octane petrol in the car will provide no benefit. It won’t make the car go faster or save you money, despite what the advertisements claim.

In case you are using normal fuel and the car engine is not working smoothly, you must think about switching to premium fuel. You should do it after getting the engine tested for a possible mechanical problem.

Most modern automobiles consist of knock sensors. Don’t believe everything that is heard. You cannot use premium fuel in a car that can run using regular fuel. There will be no additional power generated, and the car will not accelerate. It will not result in fuel efficiency too.

Various cars are designed keeping in mind the type of fuel that they can run on. Carmakers invest a lot of money in research and development to figure out which setting is optimum.

As a result, if the engine is built to run on lower-quality fuel, one should follow the manufacturer’s instructions instead of paying more for premium fuel.

Similarly, if the owner has a high-compression engine in a performance car, he/she should use the higher-quality fuel advised by the manufacturer.

The best performance will be judged by utilizing the fuel suggested by the maker of the engine which is actually the company. The company puts extra effort into designing a motor which is in sync with the recommended fuel. The benefit of using premium fuel is that it can develop more power. This is possible due to higher compression as the engine can run much better after that. It does nothing for an engine designed for a lower octane fuel.

If your car has an engine that should go with high-octane fuel then it is better to choose premium fuel. But if it is not then standard fuel is recommended.

Final Remarks

Although premium petrol is better compared to a normal one, the advancement in automobile technology supports vehicles running on normal fuel too. You can consider buying a high-octane fuel for better speed, vehicle strength and economy. Hence, do not forget to get a good car insurance policy with sufficient coverage to protect your car from unwanted expenses caused by damage or loss.

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