Most Popular Car Colour In India

Cars are a very important part of life for many people around the world. Car sometimes might be a necessity for some people, while for some it is still a luxury that is hard to afford. Sometimes with so many categories of cars available in the market, you never know what you want to buy and that can easily make your stay confused. Buying a car is always something that depends on your personal choices and what you exactly prefer. Sometimes even for a few people, the colour of the car is something that matters. Still, if you look around, you will find that the most popular car colour in India is white.

When it comes to the colours of the car every single person has his or her preference still if you see around the roads you will mostly find either white or black colour cars. These two colours are usually considered the base colours of cars. You can see these two colours are ruling the world be it clothes or cars. 

There are more colours around too like blue, orange, pink, green, yellow, red, grey, silver, and many other varieties of colours that we see around us. You can see that the automobile industry especially anything above two-wheelers, they have not moved ahead as a colour-driven industry till now.

Best car colour

The best popular car colours include white, grey, silver, and black. These colours are the most common colours. But, also you can choose bright colours like orange, blue, and green. Nowadays, car manufacturers offer various colour shades but present more options for buyers.

The Best 5 car colours in India

  1. White: It has been a popular car colour choice for a long time. This colour makes a car appear more prominent and reflects heat to keep the cabin cool. Thus, white is considered the best colour for a vehicle in India.
  2. Black: The black colour demands the highest maintenance amongst all car colours. It maximum absorbs heat. Black is the most attractive to buyers.
  3. Grey: It is also quite a popular car. This colour is the easiest to clean. This grey colour includes coarse grey and greyish-green.
  4. Silver: It looks stylish and elegant, making this colour a popular choice among car buyers. This silver colour manufactures in different shades to help buyers with unique options.
  5. Blue: It reflects a warm and steady mood. It occurs when something you have just noticed, like a new car.

The Best car colours and the most popular car colour in India.

Popular colour choices based on car types

Choose the best car to colours choice based on car type. So you can find a list of popular colour options for different types of cars.


Hatchbacks and wagons are mid-sized passenger vehicles. It is most popular in white, black, and grey colours. It is metallic or solid shades of white allowing a hatchback to look bigger in appearance. You can choose Hatchbacks cars the colour from the below list:

  • White
  • Grey
  • Black
  • Silver
  • Red
  • Gold
  • Blue


SUVs and Sports Utility Vehicles are large-sized cars. It is most popular in metallic and pearl shades of white. You can choose SUVs the colour from the below list:

  • White
  • Black
  • Grey
  • Silver
  • Red
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Gold
  • Brown
  • Orange
  • Beige


The sedan has a better style and class to them which may attract more people. You can choose Sedans cars the colour from the below list:

  • White
  • Grey
  • Silver
  • Black
  • Red
  • Blue
  • Gold

Luxury Cars

Luxury cars used higher-quality interior materials and have more features, they aren’t available on lower-price models. The list of unique cars vehicles of luxury cars are:

  • Metallic White
  • Black
  • Red
  • Grey
  • Orange
  • Silver
  • Green
  • Gold
  • Brown
  • Blue

Highest Selling Car Colour

You are confused about which car colour to choose but the highest selling car colour is only White.

White is the Highest selling car colour because it’s common. It naturally absorbs less heat. It is also a symbol of peace. But if you look rich so choose a Black colour. White after the second one is black. Both are similar but different also. White refers to peace and silence but black refers to looking rich and attractive.

If you want peace so you choose white and then if you want attractiveness so choose black. You can also choose more colours like Blue, Silver, Grey, etc.

The Highest Selling Car Colour is White in India. Also, you know the traditional Indian colour is Red. They will sign of love or attention and want others to see them as having a sense of fun and an energetic personality.

Final Remarks

Cars are always an important part of life for Indian families. Every year we see new models of cars getting launched in the automobile industry and along with these models we see a lot more colour options coming around us. We might see an increase in sales of cars in other colours except for white, black, or silver.

You might find buyers who prefer to buy specific colours of cars in this industry but the numbers are very less. People do have their favourite colours which are why sometimes they modify the colours but then colour enthusiasts in the car industry are very few. 

Even in the second-hand car market, you will rarely see someone demanding a car of a specific colour. Therefore, You can choose for best one.

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