Golden rules for road safety in India

Road safety is something that every people around the world should always focus on. It is a highly important thing and if you miss out on road safety then you are making it clear that you are making yourself vulnerable and can always face accidents. With the number of vehicles always keeping on increasing rather than decreasing you cannot take traffic awareness stuffs lightly at all. You need to always follow a few golden rules for road safety about which we are going to talk in this article.

It is highly important that people discuss road safety and awareness of others regarding traffic rules in their day-to-day life. In India where there are so many vehicles on the road, we can always see danger when we move on the road that is why we need to respect traffic rules and understand road safety that is only going to benefit us.

A traffic rule like the one that asks us to wear helmets is not made for others but to protect us when we face an accident. An accident does not happen by giving us a prior warning, it is rather unpredictable in nature which is why the stress is given to following the traffic rules so that no people suffer from an accident. In the worst cases, people lose their life just because of not following road safety rules.

National and state governments and NGOs are trying to give knowledge about road safety and traffic rules to the people all over the country via proper road safety tutorial developed by them. This does act like an awareness campaign still, some people take it lightly without understanding that many people die in road accidents daily. It is important that we value our life not only for ourselves but for our family members, friends, and close people for whom we are always valuable.

By not following the road safety rules we are not just only ruining our life but we are also jeopardizing the life of other people who are traveling via road. This is something that we should never ignore. Life is a tender thing and one should never play with it at all.

Road safety rules and regulations

There are some rules and regulations for road safety that we should never miss out on. We are going to discuss that in this part of the article. Knowing these tips can actually come in handy for you. Let us dive deep and learn the basics to save our life while driving on roads.

Always maintain a rule to keep to your left

This is the rule you should never miss out on. Always strictly keep yourself to left, it does not matter if you are walking or driving. This also allows the vehicle which is running faster than you or your vehicle to easily overtake you from the right side of the road. This is the very basic rule that is taught to even very young children in this country. Always set the right example by following this rule.

When you turn left to make sure that you are sticking to the left

Always while turning left ensure that while you are approaching the left turn you stick to the left side of the lane as much as possible. It usually ensures that you are staying away from the vehicles that are coming from the opposite direction. This is something that usually helps to protect you from the possibility of horrible accidents.

Know how to overtake

Overtaking is a skill, it is not just only overtaking by increasing the speed of your vehicle. It is important that you prefer to overtake from the right side as per the rules set by the traffic police department. This might look like a small step but it protects you from accidents that are caused by haphazard overtaking. You should always have patience and blow the horn to seek to overtake from the right side of the vehicle ahead of you.

Give way to emergency vehicles

Always understand when emergency vehicles are going, and try to give way to them as soon as possible. Emergency vehicles can be firefighter’s vehicles or ambulances. It is the responsibility of the citizens of this country to give way to emergency vehicles.

Final Remarks

You need to look at the points above and make sure that you follow them properly. It is not just important to avoid fitness, but it plays a bigger role in saving your life. You need to follow these golden rules to protect your life and make roads a safe place for people around you. It is important we take the small steps towards a safe and peaceful life. We leave the rest to you because we know you will do the right things for the safety of people on the roads and that includes you.

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